Vanessa – August 26 – September 1 (More Introductions)

Hello everyone once again! Much has occurred since we last met. The week after language camp and before my first day of school was extremely nice and for the most part, relaxing! I met the family friends and more members of my host family. Again, I haven’t met a person yet who is not completely welcoming and friendly. I had the opportunity to attend the birthday party of another girl my age who is very sweet. I met a few of her friends and was very pleased when they all made their way over to ask me questions about my exchange, rotary, and myself in general. It really is a unique experience to learn culture and daily lifestyles through immersion and observation rather than through a text book!

One day of that week we also went to Gmund where we visited a glass blowing shop and a huge indoor swimming park. It was crowded but still very nice to spend a few hours watching people play in the water and having conversations with my host mom and her best friend. Another day, my host father Korni and I went to a party where many people from Hollabrunn were gathered to drink wine and eat a roasted wild boar. I was able to try some great wine from my area (I live in the wine quarter of Lower Austria) and practice my German with some new people! We sat with the mayor of Hollabrunn and his wife and son, who are all very lovely. Other activities throughout the week included going on walks through the fields of Hollabrunn, watching my little host sister play handball, and visiting the little children of my host uncle and aunt. Ganz toll.