Community Service Project Application Community service projects can be initiated by anyone by completing the Community Service Project Application. Each project will be evaluated to determine needs, schedule requirements and cost to complete.Once approved the project will be scheduled and team members will be assigned. The project will not be started until approval has been obtained from the client.Rotary MAY provide labor at no cost but the cost of materials will be the responsibility of the client. The cost of materials cannot be determined until the project scope has been determined.A Community Service project cannot involve the purchase or rental of property or include the direct purchase of equipment. If the property where the project will be done is a rental property, the approval of the owner must be obtained in writing before the project is started.Project Application Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Project Name* Project LifeFor how long will the results of the project be in use? 1 - 3 years 3 - 6 years More than 6 years Requested Project Completion Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Sponsoring Rotarian* First Last Sponsoring Rotarians Email* Project Recipients Name* First Last Project Recipients Phone Number*Project Recipients Email* Address of Project Location* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Project Description*Project Recipients Financial Contribution Project Recipients Material Contribution Project Budget (Materials) EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 12144