October 2015 Board Meeting minutes

Lake Chelan Rotary Board


October 2, 2015

Location:   Rotary Room – Chamber of Commerce

Attending Board Members:  President Jordana LaPorte, Past President Jeff Fehr, Vice President Lester Cooper, Director Lexy Lieurance, Director Aaron Evans, Director Tiffany Gering, Treasurer Terry White and Secretary Paul Schmidt.

Absent: President- Elect Kevin Abel, Director Morgan Picton

Attending Club Members:   Ty Witt

The meeting was called to order at 11:34 AM by President Jordana La Porte.

Approval of Minutes:    Director Aaron Evans made a motion to approve the September 4, 2015 Board minutes as submitted with a second to the motion by Past President Jeff Fehr. Motion passed unanimously.

Secretary Report: President Jordana LaPorte requested a copy of Rotary catalog to look at certificates. Also to inquire with Sandi Calicoat on the procedure to convert Club points into Paul Harris Awards.

Attendance Report:  Rick Nedrow was absent and we will all anticipate next month’s attendance report.

Financial Report: President Elect Jordana LaPorte and Treasurer Terry White reported the following:

  • Club has about $68,000 total in checking and savings.
  • Kenya School Project has accumulated approximately $15,000 to date, target amount is $21,000.
  • Interact Fund balance is $3,950. Fund raiser is expected to build the fund balance.
  • Terry White reported approximately 22 Club members have not paid dues yet. Consensus of the Board is to send hard copy reminders in the mail to Club members late on dues.

Vice President Lester Cooper made the motion to approve the Financial Report and Director Aaron Evans provided the second. Motion was approved. President Jordana LaPorte abstained from voting.

Old Business:

  1. Survey Results – President Jordana LaPorte requested to set up a “Strategic Plan Retreat” to discuss the recent survey results. It was decided to extend the next Board Meeting by about an hour. In doing so, the next Board Meeting will be on November 12, 2015 to begin at 4:00 PM, which will replace the regular Board Meeting date and time of November 6, 2015.
  2. Finalize Brisa’s Paul Harris Award – The Club’s looking into using Club points to grant the Paul Harris Award.
  3. 90th Anniversary – this item will be further discussed in a future Board Meeting. Anniversary date is set for April 2, 2016.


New Business:

  1. Grant Request(s) – Manson Middle School Football, K-9 Unit, Manger Mall & Chelan Music Program – Board discussed the appropriateness of possibly granting requests prior to notification to the School Superintendent or Sheriff or to the most senior executive of the governmental organization. Director Aaron Evans made the motion to contact the respective School Superintendents (Chelan and Manson) and to the Chelan County Sheriff before any further action be taken on the grant requests for the Manson Middle School Football, K-9 Unit and Chelan Music Program. Second to the motion was Treasurer Terry White. Motion passed unanimously.
  2. Manager Mall Grant Request – grant request is for $1,000 and is sponsored by Kyle Pugh to purchase Christmas gifts for underprivileged youth. Board discussed the idea of making this annual grant request a line item in the operating budget each year instead of a grant proposal. Vice President Lester Cooper made the motion to honor the $1,000 grant request for 2015 and to have the 2016 operating budget include a line item for $1,000 for the same purpose. Director Aaron Evans provided the second. Motion passed unanimously.
  3. October District Training Conference – President Jordana LaPorte reported she cannot attend the Conference, but Rich and Mary Watson will be attending in Osoyoos, B.C.
  4. October Make a Difference Day Work Party – the official work day is October 24, 2015 with Wenatchee North Rotary member Earl Tilly bringing some young “muscle”. Our own Randy Brooks will be in charge of the Lake Chelan Rotary portion with Chelan Valley Hope directing who will be the recipients.
  5. Membership Proposals – Lee Parker submitted for new member posting Mr. Peter Vaglio, with the classification being Retired Public Safety. A motion was made by Past President Jeff Fehr to post Mr. Vaglio for Lake Chelan Rotary member with a second by Director Lexy Lieurance. Motion passed unanimously.
  6. April Work Party – President Jordana LaPorte reported the Rotary April Work Party date is set for April 25, 2016, and to fix this date as a reminder.
  7. Unsung Hero Award – District Governor Greg Luring is requesting each Club nominate an “Unsung Hero” to be awarded at the annual conference. Director Lexy Lieurance suggested Club members submit suggested candidates to President Jordana LaPorte
  8. Next Year Slate of officer/director nominations – Tradition has the immediate Past President twist arms and bring forward a new slate of officers and directors for the next year. Past President Jeff Fehr committed to the task and will have names submitted for Club action some time in December.
  9. December 22, 2015 Club meeting – President Jordana LaPorte reported we will probably not have a Club meeting that day.

Director/Officer Assignments:

  1. Vocational Service/Interact – Vice President Lester Cooper reported the Interact Club needs some adult assistance with the Homecoming fund raiser (selling clam chowder).
  2. New Generations – Director Lexy Lieurance reported the Youth Exchange Application is slated for the month of October, with interviews then scheduled for November.


Good of the Order:  none reported so there was a motion to adjourn.

Adjourned at 12:50 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Schmidt

Lake Chelan Rotary Club Secretary