July 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Lake Chelan Rotary Board


July 17, 2015

Location:  Chamber Board Room

Attending Board Members:  President Jordana LaPorte, Vice President Les Cooper, Director Morgan Picton, Director Lexy Lieurance, Director Tiffany Gering, and Treasurer Terry White.

Absent:  Past President Jeff Fehr, President Elect Kevin Abel, Di rector Aaron Evans, Secretary Paul Schmidt.

Attending Club Members:  Rick Nedrow as Acting Secretary and proxy for Paul Schmidt also, John Anderson, Tom Warren, and Rich Watson.

The meeting was called to order at 1150 AM by President Jordana LaPorte.

Approval of Minutes: There were no minutes on hand to approve; they will be on the agenda of the Aug. meeting.

Secretary Report: No Report

Attendance Report: Rick Nedrow passed out June Attendance Report. It was noted that there is a number of members with sub-standard attendance.

Financial Report: President Jordana LaPorte passed out the most recent financial report to those present and reported the following:

  • We are still due monies from the Century Challenge and the Radiothon.
  • There was a discussion about the clubs financial status.

There was a question as who could sign on the new bank account at Washington Federal. Those members are Jordana LaPort, Kevin Abel, Les Cooper and Terry White.

President Jordana passed out the work sheets from the Tuesday, Aug. 14 meeting that were filled out by the members and reviewed by those in attendance.

One of the items discussed was the amount of money that would be desirable to have in our Reserve Account. The group discussed 40K.

It appears that the membership has no desire to increase the dues amount from its present rate. Les Cooper states that he is working on a detailed survey for the membership to complete that would cover this topic as well as many items that were discussed during the July 14th Brainstorming  Session.

Other major topics that were discussed included a Lake Access Project and/or another project that would be 10 years out, which a fund would need to be set aside to finance the project.

Tom Warren requested that the Board approve the posting of the new proposed members; Randi Burchett and Trisha McCullough.  After considerable discussion, Les Cooper made a motion to approve both and Tiffany Gering 2nd the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

John Anderson requested that the Board have further discussion about the amount of monies that the Club has pledged (5K) toward the Cornerstone Project. John would like to see additional funds allocated. Much discussion on the topic followed with a number of viewpoints expressed by those present. President Jordana indicated no immediate plans are in the works to discuss this issue, however; Les Cooper and Rich Watson say they are seeking grants that may be applied for.

With no further items, the meeting was adjourned at 1:07PM.

Respectfully submitted

Rick Nedrow, Acting Secretary

Lake Chelan Rotary Club