Lake Chelan Cares

Lake Chelan CARES is a program of the Lake Chelan Rotary Club, in cooperation with Lake Chelan Health Community Heath Workers. The program provides a FREE medical equipment loan program for in-home use to support patients and caregivers during recovery from injury and illness. The equipment that will be available will include: Wheelchairs, Walkers, Couches, Canes, Folding Ramps, Commodes, Shower Chairs, Transfer Benches, Hospital Beds, Over Bed Tables, Bedside Helpers and Raised Toilet Seats. Equipment will be available 24 hours a day through Chelan EMS or the Lake Chelan Health Community Health Workers.


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Who's giving today?
Your donation will help someone who is recovering from injury or illness and help caregivers to have access to the equipment needed to aid recovery.
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Donation Total: $1